Tuesday, January 8, 2013


"The more you praise and celebrate life, 
the more there is in life to celebrate."
-Oprah Winfrey

"And in the end, it's not the years 
in your life that count. 
It's the life in your years."
-Abraham Lincoln

"Let us celebrate the occasion 
with wine and sweet words."

Here is Jana with me in front of our CELEBRATE banner,
doing a little early BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION here on Sunday.

...and another banner of Celebration stating...
"Who Doesn't LOVE Cake?!"
We had our traditional cake from DQ
because that is our favorite way to have CAKE!!!

Getting ready to go from one CELEBRATION to the next...
here are the tree ornament boxes all lined up and ready

Here are all the tree ornaments all back in their boxes...
and even though I do find taking DOWN the TREE to be a DOWNER(literally!)

... it is kind of like a CELEBRATION when this all gets stored away for another season,
because that in itself is a huge job.

Mariah with the PARTY HORN BLOWER...
and our  upcoming BIRTHDAY SEASON!

BEAU was loving the PARTY HORN BLOWER too!
He pretty much just CELEBRATES life
from the moment he SPRINTS through the door when he arrives!

Brian loves every moment he can capture a snuggle
with either one of the grand kids.

There is nothing better to CELEBRATE for me
than the LOVE I get from these two sweet GRANDKIDDIES of mine...
These smiles were well worth CELEBRATING
when they were here on Sunday for supper.

Mariah showing me her boots and
CELEBRATING the fact she paid for her new vest
with her own money, too!

My buddy, Linda stopped by very briefly yesterday
when in town for a work related meeting.
We normally go to STARBUCKS and take a traditional photo of that,
but yesterday we had a quick photo opp here instead...
and turned it into a mini CELEBRATION!
I was drinking out of my NEW YORK STARBUCKS mug she bought me
when she was there in the summer.

Any moments spent with friends and or family at
This one was taken this morning when I joined my two neighbors,
Heather and Cheryl after my body vive class at the gym!

I took down the tree and all my Christmas decor on Saturday and it is always
bitter sweet for me...
kind of a "DOWNER"... literally!
But I am always comforted in knowing
the next CELEBRATIONS are right
around the corner!!!

I often hang the CELEBRATE BANNER on the fireplace when all the CHRISTMAS stuff is taken down from there. It is not only in CELEBRATION of a brand new year ahead...
but at our house it is the beginning of the BIRTHDAY SEASON here!

I CELEBRATE mine then Jana the next day
 and the following week, my son Colin
has his, too. January is a busy month
for cake around here!

We actually CELEBRATED a few days early
by having an early BIRTHDAY supper here on Sunday which included our traditional favorite DQ cake!...I have been enjoying a piece a day since Sunday... YIKES... will need to kick it
up a notch at the gym soon to work off all the CHRISTMAS, BIRTHDAY and STARBUCKS CELEBRATIONS as of late!

I did actually step out of my comfort zone last night by going to a class I haven't been to in a long time at the gym called BODY JAM. It was fun, but I do prefer the morning time slots better. That being said... it was a good workout with instructor named LAUREN who was extremely enthusiastic and high energy. This morning I went to my normal Tuesday morning
Body Vive class with another fabulous instructor, TRENT!...GOODLIFE GYM is always worth CELEBRATING... I like it there.

I enjoyed a great visit with my neighbors, Heather and Cheryl this morning at Starbucks that lasted about 3 hours long!
Funny how we live so close but it takes
a little outing to CELEBRATE
what good friends we are!

My buddy, Linda, from Lanigan was in town yesterday, too...and we did enjoy one cup of coffee... and a short visit is better than
none at all. We truly CELEBRATE our friendship any chance we can!

This week I plan to do more
Jana on my birthday which is Thursday.
We are going for manicures and pedicures together... ( more pics to follow!!!).
For me the time spent with her will be time
to CELEBRATE as we seldom do any
mother /daughter bonding anymore.
Jana's 32nd birthday is on Friday.

After the busy month of
we move on to VALENTINES in February...
ST. PATRICK'S DAY in March...
then EASTER... and the beat goes on and on... and before you know it I will be hauling all the Christmas stuff out again!!!

There is always something CELEBRATE
it seems...and hey just life itself is the
biggest CELEBRATION of all!

On that note... my rhyme of the day...

There's always something to CELEBRATE...
Each month has a few or a special date.
Some months have more than just one,
Which really means just all the more fun!
Whether it's birthdays or each thing there on,
Always something to enjoy
when one date is gone.
Even the little special outings are great,
They are often just like one more little CELEBRATE!

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