Thursday, January 31, 2013

COLD (a lot)... with a bit of HOT!

"Nothing burns like cold."
-George R. R. Martin

"Cold hands, Warm heart."
-Lyrics from Brendan Benson song

"So when your cold from the inside out,
And you don't know what to do,
Remember love and friendship,
And warmth will come to you."
-Stephen Cosgrove

Nothing like a HOT Latte at Starbucks on a COLD day!
Here I am with my cousin Gwen on Tuesday.

Looking HOT in our HOT pants at the gym
and as the sign says...
Ella and me at the gym Wednesday...after a
New Body Class!

These HOT pants really bring on a sweat at the gym.
The new tea towel I got for my B-day says HOT HOT HOT!
 here with my drink of COLD water for the gym as well.

I LOVE CHILI on a COLD day... here are my ingredients
yesterday ready to cook up in the crock pot.

A nice crock pot of CHILI to
HEAT up the day yesterday.

My wall hanging says
When HAPPiNESS is actually a choice...
and yesterday afternoon I HEATED up the COLD day
by having some yummy homemade cookies and tea
by my bright and cheerful flowers!

Crafting always WARMS me up...
and yesterday I got a head start on some Valentine crafting,
 now I need to add the embellishments and poetry!

My cup says...
"Life is what you make it"
Today I'm enjoying some yummy flavored
HOT chocolate flavors
to chase away the COLD outside!

HOT weather, COLD water...Wishful thinking!
Here are Mariah and Beau out in our little pool last summer.
Behind them is the "Slip and Slide"...
which has a different meaning in the winter...
called driving on ice!

It always WARMS my heart to knowsomeone is taking a break from the COLD
out there to browse through my blog...
Thanks for stopping by!

I have been living in a DEEP FREEZE the last few days here... infact someone posted on Facebook today that it was said on the news at noon that today SASKATOON is the
COLDEST PLACE in the world...
well not sure if that statistic is accurate,
but it sure feels like it!

I have been doing my best to keep WARM in the COLD of winter... by drinking lots of HOT beverages with friends and cousins...
and getting my sweat on at the gym.

Today I even channeled my inner "J.Lo" and did my first ever ZUMBA class at Goodlife Gym, with instructor, Nicole . It was actually pretty fun, too... but I love to dance so it isn't too surprising that I'd like that class. I also stayed and did a CX works class, with instructor, Peggy, after that one... and according to the charts at the gym I burned a total of 730 calories in the hour and a half of combined fitness I did today.

I popped by my friend Ella's for a coffee and some lunch, too today. She and I both made chili yesterday and so it was fun to sample her chili. They say great minds think alike...
and our chilis were very similar.
What's not to like about that for a HOT meal
in the COLD of winter?!

I had a craving for cookies yesterday, too...
so good thing I've been making an effort to get to the gym daily this week! I have been drinking lots of yummy HOT beverages as well to help keep me warm from the inside out.

I love to craft cards... so have been getting a jump start on some Valentine crafting...
that sort of activity always warms me up, too!

I am enjoying this season of American Idol on TV... things have been really HEATING up both on the audition floor as well as the panel of judges... a little bit of HOT and COOL
there for sure!

We had thought of going away on a HOT escape from the COLD winter weather...
but it is not really in our budget if we want to attend the Jazz fest in Montreal again
this coming summer.
We always enjoy that little get away...
it is a great mix of HOT weather
and COOL JAZZ... along with a fun visit with my son at the same time! So that is something to look forward to this summer.

Well I'm grateful for the sunshine outside today even though the weather is not exactly warm.
Today is the last day of January so...
next month will bring hopefully
WARMER temps and HEARTS!

On that note... another poem
HOT off the press....

Some days I'm thinking that
I must be getting older,
Because I do not remember
any other winter colder.
Maybe when I was younger
I handled it much better,
I just rallied 'round and
put on another sweater.
Now I have to move and groove
just to feel the heat,
I have to do some shovel diggers
and shuffles with my feet!
Coffee, latte, coco...
hot lemon and some tea,
It takes a lot of beverages
just to warm up me!
Chili in the crock pot,
helps to spice it up...
It helps to warm my insides,
with whatever's in my cup!
Icy roads are everywhere
so it's a scary ride...
It gives a whole new meaning
to the SLIP & SLIDE!
Thankfully I've got friends
to share some warmth with me,
Over a nice warm visit
with a cookie and some tea!
Life is what you make it...
that's what my cup says so,
Today the sun is shining
and sparkling on the snow!

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