Thursday, February 28, 2013


-"The roots of all goodness lie in the soil of appreciation for goodness."
-Dalai Lama

"Appreciation is a wonderful thing: It makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well."

"If you paint in your mind a picture of bright and happy expectations, you put yourself into a condition conducive to your goal."
-Norman Vincent Peale

I sure APPRECIATED this little piece of
in the hall way of Mariah's school on Monday
when I picked her up for her dancing.
It BRIGHTENED my day!!!

Tap costumes arrived for try on at the studio
on Monday... and Mariah APPRECIATED
her nice BRIGHT orange and sparkly costume
(... the thread holding the fringe at the bottom
will come off when they perform in them!)

Here are 6 out of the 8 little TAPPERS in Mariah's class
showing us their dance in costume...
Mariah couldn't get her headband to stay on,
but she still looked BRIGHT and TAPPY!

Beau really APPRECIATED the yummy supper his
Grandma Nancy prepared him on Monday.
I popped in briefly when I dropped off Mariah
after her dancing.
I APPRECIATE that Grandma Nancy is here from Edmonton
 to look after the grandkids while their mommy and daddy
are enjoying the BRIGHT sunshine in Mexico for a week!

Here is a  BRIGHT  BANNER for the up coming
Spin 4 Kids event at Goodlife gym this Saturday.
This is for the VIVE TEAM who will be spinning
 to raise money to make things BRIGHTER for kids.

Here is my theme for the grade 4 R.A. D. Ballet exams
today at the BSOBAD Dance studio.
From SWEET SUCCESS in the past month's TAP EXAMS...
(There will be more Ballet exams later in March!)

One last glance at one of the many Bulletin Boards at
Brenda's School Of Baton and Dance (BSOBAD)
for the month of February... it was a short but "FAB" month
full of love APPRECIATION and all things hearty and BRIGHT!

Looking over what I have to work with for the MARCH
Bulletin Boards!!!
Time is MARCHing on... and with that we will Sham- ROCK ON...
into an EGG-Cellent month I am sure!

New look for MARCH...
a mix of Shamrocks and Easter this year!

Lots of info posted here...
and there are many more boards throughout
the BSOBAD studio that I did yesterday!

Another little group of tapping toddlers who happened
 to get their costumes at BSOBAD yesterday
while I was doing up bulletin boards!
...and what little girl doesn't APPRECIATE
something with lots of BRIGHT sparkles on it?

First of all thanks to anyone popping in to read yet another one of my blog posts!!!
I always APPRECIATE when anyone
TAPS into my SIMPLE little corner of the world to see what things I have been doing to keep my life BRIGHT and Happy!

Although this year has been a very LONGGGGGGG WINTER and we are beginning to drag our chins on the ground,
I am hopeful that spring is on it's way.
So much so in fact that I got a jump start on the MARCH bulletin boards at the dance studio where I am the "SOCIAL DIRECTOR!"

What is a Social Director????
 Well for those of you who do not know me,
I owned and operated my dance studio
"Diane Will Dance Studio"
for 28 years before becoming the
at Brenda's School of Baton and Dance  (BSOBAD for short) dance studio ...
it was at that time I began doing up the many bulletin boards through out Albert Community Centre where the BSOBAD dance studio is located. When I retired from teaching dancing,
in May of 2008, I kept my dancing foot in the door by continuing to TAP into creating bulletin boards and direct and help with social events in and around the dance studio.
In addition I do free lance dance jobs such as teaching workshops, summer schools, and adjudicating dance festivals and competitions.
So in response to the "Social Director"
title... I guess that is how I would describe it!
It basically is a place to make the wait for parents at the studio both informative and interesting with everything from dance photos, to info on studio events, to themes, poems, quotes... etc, etc, etc!!!!

So while there are many forms of "BOARDING" from snow boarding to skate boarding to surf boarding... my form is BULLETIN BOARDING!!!!
It is really hard to see from the photos posted that the boards take as much work as they do, but it is a labor of love for me. I do a lot of THEME co-ordination throughout the year...and even getting photos of dancers while I am not at the studio often during lesson times, takes some efforts I find, but on the BRIGHT side...
it is something I hope many studio people APPRECIATE in the end!

This was a week with MORE SNOW...
and on route to and from my gym classes on Tuesday I was stuck in it twice... the BRIGHT side is the snow is very pretty and that day was even sparkly with the sunshine added to it...
but I have to confess I did APPRECIATE the snow for Christmas time... but as time MARCHES on... I am really ready for the BRIGHT WHITE to be gone!

As I mentioned in my previous blog...
Jana and Nels had a bit of a delay getting to Mexico where they are on vacay for a week,
but they made it finally!

This week Mariah and Beau's Grandma Nancy, from Edmonton is here to take care
of the the kids while their parents are gone.
 I am APPRECIATIVE it is her doing the
sleep overs with the kids,
as I always find the sleep is limited with them!
I look forward to a little coffee outing with her this afternoon. Beau refers to her as
his "NOTHER ONE GRAMMA!"... so cute!...
I call her "TOG"
(which stands for "The Other Grandma!")
She has done a great job this week...
of getting the kids to and from daycare and school and picking them up at the day's end  along with all the household
chores that go with it all!

Tomorrow I look forward to a little birthday lunch for my good friend from the gym, ELLA.
I met her a while back and we have really bonded as friends.

There are more birthdays to celebrate
today as well... Happy Birthday
to my Auntie Betty in Vancouver
and my cousin Diane in Australia.

On that note... here is my rhyme of the day.

When things seem down and not alright,
It helps to appreciate the side that's bright!
This winter has been long
with too much snow,
But it is very white and bright, you know!!!
Soon it will be spring... or at least we hope,
Until it's here we'll stay bright and cope.
There are lots of things
to make the future shine,
Like sparkly costumes,
decoration and design!
We can complain or
make the most of the best,
That is all we can do,
It's like a contest!!!
Appreciate the good and forget the bad,
Try to stay upbeat, happy and glad.
Strap on your seat belt and enjoy the ride,
Life is short,
so look on the bright side!
March is only one day away,
So keep MARCHing on...
and be appreciative each day!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Things Happen for a Reason!

"The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once."
-Albert Einstein

"Stop waiting for things to happen, make them happen."
-Author Unknown

"Lead with your heart...
your life will follow."
-Just a good quote 
I noticed on Facebook today!

I LOVE this photo... even though it is somewhat out of focus,
from the SEEK HAPPINESS poster on the wall...
to Brian hugging Mariah behind the little marshmallow pop
covered in chocolate and heart sprinkles!
SO much LOVE happens for a reason!

Here are some little Marshmallow pops
I made with Mariah on Friday...
here displayed in my cute mug
which was a gift a while back from my friend, Linda!
(The caption on the mug is so true and happens often!!!!)

A pic of Mariah crafting in the FREE HOUSE restaurant
Friday night when we joined her family there for supper...
another reason for love!

The reason for Beau's serious expression at the restaurant
....It is hard for 2 year olds to sit still in a restaurant!!!

Mariah making happiness happen on our counter, Tuesday morning
following a little sleepover here.

There is a reason we kept all these smurfs from
my kid's growing up years!!!
Beau and Mariah get hours of enjoyment out of them.

the resaon I love this photo so much...
is I love it when I can see Beau's very happy little face
without hair hanging in his way!

Such a cute picture on so many levels!!!
I got this little book as a Christmas gift from my cousin Bev
a couple years ago... it is a sweet little book and Beau
looks adorable looking at it!
this was Tuesday when I babysat him.

Mariah always loves a reason to pose and create faces!!!
I love any reason to get a picture with my sweet grandkids!

Here is brian proudly sitting and giggling with his cherished grandkids on tuesday...
this photo is surely a reason to smile!

Jana and Nels smiling here with Beau on Tuesday...
this morning they didn't have quite as much reason to smile...
(more on that in the blog!)

So many reasons for love and happiness in this photo
of 3 generations of family at my inlaws' house last Monday night.

Last Sunday we purchased a MAGIC BULLET...
here is my first delicious smoothie from it.
This has given me so many reasons to choose healthier food choices.

Here is the memorial card from the funeral I attended yesterday.
He was a cherished family friend of my parents...
and his sons did a nice tribute to him yesterday at his funeral.
Funerals are always reasons to live everyday to the fullest and
not only make... but cherish memories along the way.

This week has gone by quickly.
There always seemed like a reason
to not write a new blog every time
I attempted to write a new one!...
Things happen for a reason!!!!

Monday night we popped by for another visit with my in laws and my brother in law Bruce.
Jana and Nels showed up at the same time we did. Mariah just happened to have her jammies on, even... so what better reason than that to have her over here for a little sleepover!!!

This past week there was a school break. Mariah was going to go to her mommie's work while I looked after her brother on Tuesday.
 I love having the grandkids one on one... I am able to enjoy each one without being in demand in two directions!!!

Beau was cute, too on tuesday... when his mom came to trade kids... she picked up Mariah and dropped off Beau. He is getting such a sweet imagination now. He played so nicely all day and even had a good afternoon nap, which is another reason it is easier to just have one at a time!!!

I made it to some gym classes, some coffee outings, and dinners out this week as well. It seems there was always a reason to put the blog on the back burner!

Mariah texted us to hang out with us
on Friday... always fun!
Brian's boss Ross and his family and our friend, Vern treated us to a great meal last night.

I even made it to a lovely celebration of life yesterday for one of my parents' very dear friends, Bert. His oldest son, Rod, was a musician who played in many bands with my brother, Brian in their younger years.
Rod did a lovely piano send off to his dad
at the funeral playing a very great version
of the wartime song...
"I'LL BE SEEING YOU"... very heartfelt, masterfully played, and tearful. Rod's brother, Marty did an amazing eulogy to his dad as well... delivering it with ease, confidence, professionalism, and lots of humor.

Funerals always give reason to make the most of every moment in life as it happens
and to cherish the memories of loved ones when they are gone.

Today things happened for a reason...
not sure what it was just yet!!!!!!!!
Jana and Nels were to have been on a flight to Mexico at 6 AM.
Brian got up very early (3:45 AM) to drive them there. When they got to the airport...
 to their surprise they discovered the flight they were to have been on left yesterday!...
OOPS... Well they are now on their way to the airport once again for a different flight leaving today.... I am keeping my fingers crossed this plan works out for them!

While they are gone...
 Mariah and Beau have their Grandma Nancy here from Edmonton keeping things
happening at their house.
She will be kept very busy, I know...
but we will kick in here and there
when ever needed.
(I am guessing we will be needed a few times along the way in the week!)

I have enjoyed the shows on TV
I follow closely...and although I do not always agree with choices made
on competitive shows...
Tonight more choices will be made as all eyes will be on the 85th annual

It is hard to believe how fast February has gone by... but time marches on and
things do happen for a reason...
so on that note here is my rhyme of the day!

No one knows the why or how,
but things happen for a reason...
It seems to work like that,
any moment, day or season!
Whether asked to babysit
or go out for a meal,
Or hang out with a special friend
or get a special deal!
Things can go all up hill...
and also can go down!
Catching a flight for a vacy,
can leave one with a frown!!!
Saying fond farewells
to people from our past,
Are just a reminder
to make all memories last.
Enjoy all the little things
that add to daily intake,
Create some special magic,
through a smoothie or a shake!
Every little moment along the journey
in one's years...
Pave the way through daily life,
with happiness and fears.
Things happen for a reason...
oh yes they sure do,
Reasons usually all work out
when people see them through.
Make the most of everyday
with each lesson you learn,
Make the memories all add up
with every twist and turn!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Gifts from the HEART!

"A wise lover values not so much 
the gift of the lover as the love of the giver."
-Thomas A Kempis

"A hug is a great gift one size fits all, 
and easy to exchange."
-Author Unknown

"Your work is to discover your world 
and then with all your heart 
give yourself to it."

"Only do what your heart tells you."
-Princess Diana

Mariah and Beau with their
Valentine GIFTS from the HEART...
here on Friday!

Gifts both FROM and FOR the HEART!

Any time shared with our precious Grandkids
is good for our HEARTS!
Here we are dining out at Boston Pizza Friday night...
Mariah is making a funny face, and Beau looks like an angel here,
(but don't let that look fool you!!! wink wink!)

A week ago Friday I received the BEARY cute little Valentine
with sprinkles in the envelope from a former dance student, Susan.
This past Friday I received a little surprise book of HAPPY THOUGHTS
also with little sprinkles in it... from an anonymous sender!
I love to receive surprise GIFTS from the HEART in the mail always!!!

Here are the grandkids on the counter on Saturday
when I babysat them. They went through many snacks...
 Beau was done with his "cream cone" and onto some "toast fingers!"

We were blessed with a mild day filled with sunshine on Saturday.
The kids played outside for a long time... Mariah had left her school bag here
Friday night, so luckily had her mitts and ski pants...
but I had to improvise for Beau, using a very big pair of old ski pants I found!

Mariah enjoying every minute out in the sun and snow!

Beau with a smile here...
with his very snowy over sized mitts!

The kids enjoying all the snow...
with Shuffle on her leash to join in the fun!

The snow wasn't sticky enough to create a big snowman,
 so we made two mini ones on the step instead!

My brother Brian loves to share the GIFT of time with us when the kids are here.
Beau was asking "UNCLE BRIAN COMING?" as soon as he got here,
so we called him over for a visit!
I know the bond from the heart between Brian and Beau is very mutual.

Mariah has the same mutual love bond with my niece Rowen,
who often comes over when the kids are here, too.
Here they are enjoying a PINK hot chocolate
after a big play outside on Saturday.

Jana modeling her old snow suit from grade school ...
when she came to pick up the kids on Saturday.
These are the ski pants I used for Beau to play in...
kind of huge on him, but we made them work!

Yesterday heading to my in-laws for a visit... check out that SNOW
That is Brian walking to the door... he is over 6 feet tall, so you can see the
height of the mountain in their front yard...
they say snowflakes are kisses from heaven,
and we certainly have had many of those this season!

A special HEARTFELT visit with my brother-in-law, BRUCE,
who is here visiting from Vancouver. He was showing Jana, Mariah and Beau
some photos on his phone in this picture.

This past week was a HEARTFELT week surrounding Valentine's day,
the time to celebrate LOVE.

I do enjoy any occasions to create and craft cards for... as well as do up special gifts for loved ones. I think Valentine's day is one of those special days of the year when I can do up some GIFTS from the HEART!

I received some special little packages
in the mail recently...
which is always good for the spirit!
 I received a nice HEARTFELT card and yummy HEART shaped box of Lindt chocolate hearts from my sweet hubby, too, on Valentine's after his long day of work!

I got together with friends Ella, Gailene, and Brenda this past week for friendly visits at the gym.... over coffee.... and lunch...
I always feel so lucky that I have many different circles of friends to share heartfelt time with...
Time is like a GIFT from the HEART for sure!

I always need a day to recoop following a
busy day of babysitting the grandkids it seems... as they truly play me out!
But that being said, I enjoy every minute I can share with them. Saturday was no exception.
I did an early 830 AM class at the gym before Jana dropped off the kiddies for me to look after for the day, and it was ongoing from start to finish... playing both indoors and out and doing crafts, watching Tv, coloring, dancing...and snacking on everything in sight!...(for all of us!)
The kids seemed to like their little Valentine packages I made for them...
(especially Beau... he was very protective
of his present!... he made sure it was ready by the front door to take home when the time came, he did not want to forget it!)

Yesterday we did a nice visit with my in-laws and my brother-in-law, Bruce who is here briefly from Vancouver till Wednesday.
Mariah and Beau were a bit shy to begin with but warmed up to him as the visit progressed.

Today is FAMILY DAY here in Saskatoon...
so we will likely spend some time doing
HEART FELT family related things,
and sharing the GIFT of TIME,
from our HEARTS!

On that note... here is my rhyme of the day.

Nothing says LOVE
right from the start,
Than a GIFT of LOVE,
that comes from the HEART!
Often gifts are ones of time spent,
Hours filled with love is what is meant.
Heart felt love comes in many ways...
Even from above on snowy days!
And this year we have more than enough...
Of the loving kind of snow flakes and fluff!
But all in all... most any card or gift,
Can raise a spirit and give one a lift.
It means the most when it is sincere,
And comes from the heart
for ones so dear.
Love is special on Valentine's Day,
But it's also found when children play.
Gifts of the heart are everywhere...
They come from those who truly care.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Let Your PASSiON Show

"Nothing great in the world has ever been accomplished without passion."
-Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

"Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focussing on what excites you."
-Oprah Winfrey

"Every dream begins with a dreamer. 
Always remember you have strength, patience and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world."
-Harriet Tubmar

Mariah was excited to see her mommy after her flights
were delayed due to storms in New York on the weekend.
Even though it was a late night for her...
you can feel the passion in this photo!

The guys hanging out on the weekend
just before Jana's return from her trip to New York...
I LOVE these guys!

Lots of PASSION in this pic... this is my neighbor, Cheryl,
with her daughter, Richelle, visiting from Kingston with her 2 little girls.

A PASSIONATE little sisterly cuddle
here is 2 year old, Naudia and her baby sister, Natalya...
both looking so pretty in pink!

My other neighbor, Heather,
having fun with little baby Natalya.
Hard not to feel the PASSION when there are babies around!

I took a photo of my nephew, Brad's classroom door at his school today.
I especially liked the characature and the WELCOME sign.
Easy to see he is a PASSIONATE school teacher.

I am here with my nephew, Brad, his mom, Arleen, and two cousins,
Gwen and Bev after judging the History Fair for the grades 5-7 at
Hugh Cairns School this morning.
We put a lot of PASSION and effort put into our judging!

I am PASSIONATE about wrapping and card crafting
for any occasion...
with Valentines tomorrow... here are some little treats for the grandkids
I have ready to deliver to them!

I was in the mood to make some banana muffins today after judging the
history fair this morning. I made some with chocolate chips and some plain,
All ready for a Valentine tea time... and my friend Ella did pop by just
as the muffins came out of the oven today!

I am ever so delighted to have recently found this treasure...
PASSION at it's finest!
Here are the two people resposible for teaching me
all about PASSION...
my mom and dad
in my mom's HEART SHAPED locket.
Today with all the snow coming down I am once again feeling their

With the lead up to VALENTINE'S day tomorrow... there have been many signs and reminders of PASSION in my week so far...
beginning with the return of my daughter, Jana who got stranded for 2 extra days during a winter storm in New York on the weekend. I know we were all PASSIONATE to have her arrive home safe and sound...
especially her daughter, Mariah!

Monday night we connected with my son Colin in Montreal. I always am grateful to hear his voice and he is sounding happy and still very PASSIONATE about his girlfriend, Caro and their life together life these days.
His former room mates, Shani and
(antoher) Caro just recently had a baby boy.... so that was very exciting news!

Yesterday I was glad for the return of Body Vive at Goodlife gym. Trent and Theresa , the "vive" instructors have been away, so that class has been replaced with New Body classes.
I personally am more PASSIONATE about the Body VIVE classes!

Yesterday one of my neighbors, Heather and I were invited to the neighbor who lives between us, Cheryl's house. She had us over for a visit with her daughter, Richelle who is now visiting from Kingston with her two little ones,
Naudia and Natalya. Not only was it a nice visit, it is always fun to be anywhere there are little ones, especially little babies!
These two little girlies were so darling, too.
Definitely a lot of PASSION in the
room that afternoon.

Brian and I went out for fish and chips last night to the restaurant that does that up the best in town...GIBSON'S FISH & CHIPS!
We've always been PASSIONATE about their food, and it is great to support a local business, at the same time.

This morning I was a judge at the Hugh Cairns School History Fair. I have only judged dance competitions up until this point, so this was a little different venue for me. It was fun to see how much PASSION the kids from grades 5 through 7 had put into their projects. I was proud to see my nephew, Brad in his work element while there... I am pretty sure he is a very PASSIONATE teacher.
The hardest part for me, was not being able to add THEMED stickers to the evaluation sheets...I'm always PASSIONATE about my stickers when ever I judge dance!

When I cam home I made some banana muffins...and added a little HEARTY accessory on top. My friend Ella stopped by for tea just as the muffins came out of the oven...
that is when they taste the very best!

I have crafted several VALENTINE cards and wrapped up a few goodies to share with the loved ones in the family.
I am always PASSIONATE about any chance I get to decorate, wrap and or craft a card, regardless of the occasion!

Tonight I look forward to another round of American Idol on TV... I'm into all shows with singing and or dancing... especially the reality ones... it is a chance for the performers to really share their PASSIONS and talents.

"It's not what you look at that matters,
 it's what you see."
-Henry David Thoreau

I hope every one TAPS into their
PASSION as we head toward the most PASSIONATE day of the year.
Happy Tappy Valentine's Day!

If you LOVE someone,
then let them know...
Open your heart,
let your PASSION show!
a time for LOVE,
Both on the ground and in the skies above.
Today as I see more snow on the ground,
I feel the LOVE that's all around.
Snowflakes flying in the air...
Says KISSES are just everywhere!