Wednesday, January 25, 2012

All You Need Is LOVE!

"Nowhere you can be that isn't where you're meant to be. It's easy. All you need is love..."
-John Lennon and Paul McCartney

"LOVE is such a big word it really should have more letters."
-Kobi Yamada

"Give all to love; Obey the heart."
-Pablo Picasso

LOVINGLY reunited together again after
Jana's return from her 2 week holiday in Australia!

Jana happy to see her little BEAU man!
Poor Beau wasn't feeling so good here. 

Happiness is...
Mommy happy to see her kids again
and them happy to see their mommy,
I'm not sure who was happiest!
I know at 1 AM everyone was pretty sleepy, too
... (myself included!)

Mariah with one of the many little
Australian gifts! 

Beau off to daycare with toast in hand
Monday morning...
He only lasted about an hour there,
then I had to get him... he had a fever! 

Mariah enjoying her cake pop sucker and
hot chocolate at Starbucks,
after a quick stop at Dollarama, Monday morning. 

Hanging some Dollarama Valentine decorations! 

Mariah loves to do make up!!!
Here she was watching a video on how to do a zebra face! 

Mariah is such a good big sister... here she is giving Beau
a little LOVE by the heater in the kitchen! 

More sisterly LOVE! 

Beau in his new LOVE BONDS
 jammies from Australia,
yesterday morning here. 

Shuffle yesterday by the LOVE sign.
Poor Shuffle is a sick little puppy. 

Beau and Shuffle were both sick yesterday,
 so they both sat long enough for
me to capture several pics of them together!
...(That just never happens when they
 are their normal energetic selves!!!)

Princess Mariah Sunday night making up some dances! 

Candy Cane BEAU on
Sunday night's sleepover! 

Me and my cousin Gwen
concert Saturday...
We both Loved it!

I have been too busy these past few
days to get a new blog up...
sometimes life just happens!
However by the looks of the
previous blog, not many viewed it.
So there was no panic to rush into
a new one, I guess.

It has been hectic here lately,
to say the least!

Saturday following a nice supper
out at Chianti's with my cousin Gwen,
we went to
concert together. This was my
birthday gift from Gwen.
It was our local Symphony
and a BEATLES group doing
great renditions of many of the
classic BEATLE tunes...
including the ever famous one

...The last few days I found
that those words are so true, too!

Nels left on Sunday for a work conference
out of town and left the grandkiddies
 with us. As always there were
a whirlwind of activities going on
 from the minute the kids were left here.

I baked cookies and crafted with Mariah.
Brian made a fabulous supper
Sunday night, and my brother Brian
joined us for that, too.
We also had my sister-in-law,
Brenda and her daughter Rowen
over for a visit in the evening as well.

Mariah was a busy girl all night
creating dances and having fun.
Beau went to bed well...
 but was up at midnight for
more snuggles and lullabies
on the rocking chair!

Monday morning I took Beau to his daycare, and Mariah and I went to dollarama and starbucks...(2 of our favorite places!)
When we got home, the daycare called
for me to come and get Beau
as he was running a fever.

Luckily Shuffle was off to doggie daycare ...
so it made for a less hectic day here.
I often find with both kids and the dog...
things become crazy at times!

After supper we took the kids back
to Jana's and got them bathed
and to bed. Jana arrived home from Australia after midnight that night (Monday).
Brian woke up Mariah and took her to the airport, while I stayed at Jana's with Beau.

I am not sure who was more excited...
the kids or Jana...
I know Mariah was pumped,
although Beau still had a fever
and was not himself.

Yesterday was a busy day, too.
Shuffle started throwing up all morning and finally Brian took her to the vet.
I also had sick Beau here as well,
because his fever had not broken.
Therefore he couldn't go to daycare.
Jana was right back to work... no time to recover from the 17 hour time
difference and jet lag!

I picked up Mariah from Kindergarten
yesterday, too, and Jana joined
us for supper and then took the kids home.

Shuffle was not doing well last night
so I called the vet again. I took her
back there this morning where she is
now for observation and blood tests.
I am so worried about
my little SHUFFLE doggie!

I am hoping with a little LOVE
all the family can recover
back to healthy states...
it's amazing how far a
little LOVE can go!

... just like the famous words of
the BEATLES  song...

So on that note...
here is my poem of the day...

Somedays all you really need is LOVE...
Whether from here or from up above.
Be it for health and for feeling good...
LOVE just helps...
when we don't feel as we should.
Something small like a little make up,
Or a trip to starbucks for a red drink cup!
A concert with music that means so much...
Or dollarama treats and decor and such!
Snuggles at midnight in the rocking chair,
Singing lullabies and just being there.
Thinking of  my SHUFFLE dog...
Getting behind on my blog...
When things do not go like the plan,
I do my best and do what I can!
And really LOVE is all we need...
It's such a comfort ... true indeed!


  1. Oh wow - how very busy you are, and still you find time to chronicle the events of the day. I sure hope your little guy will be humself soon. And Shuffle. You do have your hands full. I am sure the kids weren't the only one happy to see Jana.. That was a long time and a lot can happen in even one week. Good job, it was a great read - another day/week in the life of!! Take care of yourself too busy lady. Super pics and poem and a wonderful blog. Thanks for sharing!!

  2. Thanks Arlene... for taking time to stop in and read more about my little life here on my blog! Shuffle feels much better today than the last two days... so I think she is on the mend!
    YAY!!! Thanks again :)
