Monday, January 16, 2012

'SNOW' MaNy HaPpEniNgs!

"Life is like a field of newly fallen snow. Where I choose to walk every step will show."
-Denis Waitley

"The best thing to hold on to in life is each other."
-Audrey Hepburn

The BSOBAD Dance Studio
hosted a lovely bridal shower yesterday.
You will see out the windows that it was a very
SNOWY and Picturesque day! 

My niece, Rowen, and Mariah were
on the decorating committee with me
to help turn the studio into
a HEARTY and fancy place!
Rowen's dance teacher was the
that we were celebrating! 

A very unique and fun little fashion show
took place at the shower.
Here were wedding and bridesmaid gowns
worn by family members and friends of the bride
modeled by dancers from the studio !
"Bride-to-Be", Nicole, is seated in grey on the floor
with her flower girl, and behind her in centre...
is Mother and sister of the bride to be.

Here in the decorated spot for the BRIDE... is
Nicole on the right, and her sister, Zoe on the left. 

Here is Mariah's dance teacher,
Miss Cara, and her sister, Shannon.
They attended the shower yesterday
only one week after Cara
gave birth to her first child!

Here is a photo of a photo...
of Miss Cara's baby boy
born on January 8th, 2012 .

Here is a little picture of my grandson
BEAU yesterday right after his morning bath,
wet hair and all!!! 

Here is Mariah here yesterday morning
following her little sleepover! 

Hard to believe only one week ago today
Beau and Mariah were out coloring the driveway
with chalk in our abnormal spring like weather conditions! 

You can see the very little snow at that stage!!!
Monday January 9th, 2012 

Here is the driveway only one week later... photo this morning
January 16th, 2012 

Even the little snowman I have hanging under the shelter
is covered with a skiff of snow!
(Jana made this snowman in grade 7 at school!) 

Here is a pic of our backyard early this morning, looking rather
 like a little SNOW WONDER-LAND!
with a little path cleared for my doggie, Shuffle!

This past week
SNOW much happened...

Just a quick recap...
Only one week ago today
Jana was on route to Australia
to visit some of her MERMAID friends!
She met Sheryn and Naomi while
all of them worked as performers in
TOKYO back in the days of
Jana's Disney contracts.

This week alone... I have done
lots of grandkid babysitting and bonding including some fun sleepovers!

I turned a year older,
and my daughter did, too!

I was out to lunch... 3 times,
out to supper ...2 times,
out to breakfast... 1 time...
and to a wedding shower as well!
(One might think I was trying
to keep my weight up!!!)

I also attended 4 gym classes...
which is a good thing for
 all the eating out I did!

The weather changed drastically from
unusual spring like conditions to our
normal type of snowy winter like weather!

Yesterday the dance step of the day
was likely
infact I was changing the words of the
popular LMFAO "Party Rock Anthem"
from "Everyday I'm Shuffling" "Everyone is SHOVELING!"

Last week I celebrated life in a big way!

Yesterday the dance studio "BSOBAD"
honored one of the dance teachers
by hosting a fun wedding shower.
Conrgrats to Miss Nicole
who is to be married in Hawaii
 this February.
Nicole also celebrated
a birthday this past week, too!
Her and my daughter, Jana
share the 11th as their birthdate.

I helped with the shower decorating,
which I always enjoy,
and I had help from my niece Rowen
and grand daughter, Mariah, along with
 the studio secretary, Kellie!

The dance studio really is like
one big happy dance family...
and owner, Brenda does a great job
of celebrating events always.
She is all about making memories...
dance ones and others,too!

Mariah's dance teacher, Miss Cara,
 gave birth to her first child last Sunday.
It is such a special time in a person's life... becoming a mom!

In a couple of days I will be celebrating
when I first became a mom, too,
when  my son, Colin turns 33
on January 18th.
I am very proud to be a mom,
and now a Grandma as well!

So on that PROUD note...
here is my rhyme of the day...

My life's been SNOW busy in one short week.
This blog is only a very small peek.
From celebrations to lots of outings galore,
And weather like spring...then winter...
and more!
Babies and showers and grandkids, too...
Sleepovers, meals out...oh I love what I do!
was my plan for this year,
LESS feeling drab... and MORE about cheer!


  1. :)
    Princess Diane - you deserve all of those golden moments. It was a fun read and peek into your busy, blessed life!! I enjoy all your rhymes which you whip up seemingly so easy and share. Top of the Monday to you - hope this week continues to shine for you.

  2. Thanks Arlene... coming from the wonderful writer that you are... that means a lot to me!
    I am actually enjoying a lower key kind of day today following all the outings and celebrations last week. Time to start my organizing and sorting that I want to do this year!
    Have a great day too!
