Thursday, March 22, 2012

Remotely Random!

"So much life, it seems to me, is determined by pure randomness."
-Sidney Poitier

"I wish life came with a remote. Fast forward hard times, rewind back to good times, pause happy times and stop so it will restart."
-Author Unknown

Mariah doing a little
Free-spirited dance here yesterday. 

Fairly RANDOM pose here...
in a REMOTE costume of her mom's! 

Jana and her kids here yesterday...
both kids enjoying popsicles! 

A REMOTELY RANDOM pic I took today!
... does anyone else ever feel overwhelmed by

decided to bake
Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins
 today with our over ripe bananas on the counter! 

One of the RANDOM bulletin boards
 I updated at the dance studio yesterday
changing from St. Pat's to Easter!

A photo after a little outing
with a former dance student, Kelly,
 last week . He is promoting a fund raiser...
called "AEDAN'S ANGELS".

4 tickets to a
here in the city tomorrow night.
Above are a couple of her CDs
I happen to have in my collection, too!

Today was one of those
RANDOM kind of days...
I wasn't sure what to write
about in my blog,
so this is kind of a mixed bag!

My day started out with a little RANDOM win on my Facebook home page.  The radio station, MAGIC 98.3 FM
made a post saying
the first person to respond
to it by email would win
4 tickets to
I ended up responding...
and apparently was the fastest, because I won!

I have seen JAZZ ARTIST,
before at some of our previous Saskatoon Jazz Festivals.
I have been a fan of hers
for years, infact, co-incidentally
I danced a tribute to my dad
in my 2000 year end dance recital
to her version of the classic tune

I have spent some time
with Mariah this week.
Yesterday I had her briefly
after her dance lesson while her mom went to a parent teacher interview at her Kindergarten.
She was busy creating little
random dances to perform
for me and my cousin Gwen,
who popped by for a little visit
yesterday, too!

Jana had Beau with her
when she came to pick up
Mariah and asked me then
if I could babysit the kids again tomorrow. So tomorrow will
be busy with babysitting
in the day and a concert
to go to in the evening!

Today I went to the gym with
my friend, Ella and we did our routine "roll up the rim to win" coffee at Tim Horton's
afterward. Neither of us were winners today on our coffees,
but we both enjoy our visits!

I have mentioned before
how I get frustrated with
the many REMOTES
we have around here...
It seems in this ever changing technological world we live in...
one needs to know a lot about REMOTES and how to
operate them!
Brian bought a new one
this week that he is programing
so that we do not need so many different ones, but instead
will be able to do everything
from the one!
It already seems

Last week I met with
former dance student, Kelly.
He is working on a fund raiser
for a a family he knows
with a child who was born with "Severe Acidosis with a Perinatal Hypoxic Ischemic Injury."
What this means for
Baby Aedan,
is the diagnosis of
"Severe Spastic Quadriplegic Cerebral Palsy."
 Kelly has created a
Facebook page called
and is doing his fund raiser
in the form of a fine arts performance show
and silent auction
to be held on
June 16th, 2012 at
St. Joeseph's High School.
I hope he, with the help of many contributers, are able to do
lots of fund raising to help this family out.
It will be a very
on Kelly's behalf!

Tonight I look forward to the American Idol Results
show on TV.
I have been enjoying many RANDOM SHOWS lately,
and often tape the ones
I like and watch them later
to cut back on the many commercials.

I often enjoy a day like today
to just do random catching up
on things like groceries
and even baking!
I had some over ripe bananas
on my counter, so made up
some muffins, which I know the grandkids will enjoy when
they are here tomorrow...
I tasted them and they are
if I do say so myself!

So on that note...
I'll do my RANDOM poem
of the day...

Once in a while
it's nice to devote...
My day to the things
that are not so remote!
Things that are random,
and go with the flow,
And also to see
where my day will just go!
Fly by the seat of my
very own pants...
Feel all the luck of
a song or a dance.
Step out of my box
and follow no theme,
Enjoy a good coffee
with sugar and cream!
The simplest things
are the best in the end,
Creating something
or being with a friend.
Watching TV brings me
plenty of pleasure,
There are many programs,
that I do treasure.
If I get the remote that
can tune it all in...
Then all is real swell,
and it's a win-win!


  1. a great 'random style blog' loved it all...from the 'quotes' to the photos and poem!
    Job well done, thank you for sharing Diane!

  2. Thanks Arlene... I wasn't going to do a blog...and then ended up RANDOMLY throwing one together after a change of heart! I'm glad you enjoyed it... I had a fun day doing just RANDOM things! :)
