Friday, April 22, 2011

Some "BUNNY" Has Been Busy!

A hopeful attitude expects the best, is prepared for the worst, and is flexible enough to take what comes.

If your mind and soul are motivated by hope your actions will reflect your mental well-being, and your optimism will be contagious.

Both these quotes are written by Anna Trimiew

A couple funny bunnies


another FUNNY BUNNY!
Hopped over to brighten our day

Beau now knows how to
open the dog kennel!

Gailene's photo shoot
 played Beau right out
& he fell asleep in my arms

another birthday celebration for Brenda
FUN... FAB ... & 50!

My bestie, Linda and me
doing our Traditional STARBUCKS
on route to the airport

in front of his latest toy...
A brand new boat!

So the pictures above capture some of the FUN highlights in my week!

Monday, my friend Gailene popped over for a latte and visit... and ofcourse one more little photo shoot. She loves to take photos even more than me... hard to imagine, but true!
She is always a bright spot in our day when ever she comes to see BEAU and me!

Tuesday I thought I was super human... either that or knew I was so out of shape so thought by doubling up on classes I'd get fit faster!
I did Body Vive and Body Flow in a row...
TWO class TWOS- DAY!
It made me wonder how I used to teach 7 Tap classes in a row on TAPPIN TUESDAYS...
back in the day!

Wednesday my friends, Kellie and Brenda met me for one more Birthday celebration for Brenda, who turned 50 last weekend.

Some how I was beginning to feel lousy around then... nothing to do with the party...I had the chills and ached all over and really had a sore throat. At first I was thinking I over did the gym on Tuesday... but then realized
it was more than that.

Wednesday night Jana had us lined up to babysit the kids, but I felt so sick that Brian went and babysat them on his own at their place. He enjoyed his one on one bond!

Thursday morning I headed to the Dr. to check on this throat situation that was becoming worse! Turned out I had STREP THROAT... yuk!

I also got results from my brain scan I had 2 weeks ago. Apparently the scan was not clear... they explained it as having cloudyness... so I will do a follow up MRI next,
in the near future for that.

I am now on antibiotics for my throat, so am starting to feel a bit more human again!

Also on Thursday, my friend, Linda drove here from Lanigan on route to NYC. We had time for a little visit and STARBUCKS on our way to the airport. She was super excited for her trip... and I always love the chance to see her... and go to STARBUCKS, too!
For us that has become tradition. I had a cold frappicino this time though... easier to swallow !

I was to have babysat yesterday, but with being sick I thought it was best I didn't, so Beau went to work with his daddy for the day.

Brian picked up his new boat yesterday, too... he loves it... must be a man thing!
I'm sure we'll have some family fun with it this summer.

Tomorrow we will babysit both kids for the day as Jana has a huge shoe sale on and needs Nels to help her out. We will do some fun EASTER things with them then.

So here is my little poem to sum up my week...

I really had a busy week,
but some things I didn't pick!
In amongst some of the fun,
I also got real sick.
Monday I had baby BEAU,
He was a real cute BUNNY!
My friend popped by to visit us,
she was very funny!
She loves to do a photo shoot,
... even more than me...
She took some real fun pictures, too,
of BEAUZY and of me.
Tuesday I outdid myself
by doing lots of gym...
I kind of did it out of shape,
and also on a whim.
Later on I paid the price
by feeling really sore,
But it wasn't just my body, no...
it was so much more!
I battled with the aches and pains,
hoping they would pass,
I then began to think
I only should have done one class!
But as the time progressed
it moved into my throat,
Everything I tried to eat
would not go down, but float!
I went out to a birthday lunch
but I was not so well...
I was getting chilly there,
it was a sign , I could tell.
Thursday I found out
that I had got strep throat...
But Brian was excited
as that day he got his boat.
I took my friend to starbucks
on route to catch a flight...
She was going to New York,
for her a trip so bright.
Today I'm feeling better
than I was a day ago...
The medicine I'm on now,
will heal me fast I know.
As we head into the weekend,
EASTER'S on it's way...
So I am just about to plan
and prep for that today!


  1. Even when you are under the weather - your blog is upbeat. As usual, great poem, too. Always nice flow, balance and rhyme. Come's from the heart and that's the best EVER kind of writing. Nice read, enjoyed photos and words. Look forward to more. Thanks again for sharing your heart and little piece of your world!

  2. I loved your blog as usual. Nice to hear you are feeling a bit better. I love the new photos, your Beauzy is so cute with the bunny glasses..he's getting so big & even more cute (how can that be :)
    I hope the Easter bunny brings you chocolate too..have a great Easter, always, thanks for sharing!

  3. Thanks ladies for your kind comments... this morning is the first one in the last few that I actually feel I can swallow again! YAY! I so appreciate your kind words and comments on my blog as always... and HAPPY EASTER to you both! xoxo Diane

  4. :)
    Your home will be busting at the seams the next couple days. I can hear the laughter in your rafters all the way here! Enjoy and keep writing - straight from the heart! Happy Easter!!

  5. I took the time to come back & see your comment. What was I thinking...not coming back to see your response. THANK YOU for always saying such nice things to your friends (like moi :) ...hope you had a Happy fun filled Easter just stay healthy for the rest of the year! I feel sad when I know your not feeling well!!
