Friday, April 1, 2011


Jana and me on Christmas 2009
note sign behind...

My OTT Sticker colletion
to take to competitions...
(and I have 4 more binders in my basement)

Jana and Me in a duo from 1988
Jana was only 7 then...
(but we will always be Bosom Buddies)

We did our last Tap duo together in
1998 to a song called
... and I will always LOVE that face of her's!
She also did a tribute to me at my 99 recital
in the upper left corner,
and kicked it up a notch to "SO and SO"
in the bottom right!
She wore that costume for a solo called
as well!

It doesn't matter where you go,
it's who's beside you that counts.

If someone believes in you, 
and you believe in your dreams, 
it can happen... Tiffany Loren Rowe

Go the extra mile to acquire what 
you want to both attract and give away... 
Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

Today my daughter Jana and I will be an adjudicating team for the first time together. We have both judged before... but never together... so it will be a new chapter for both of us. I know it means a lot to me, and will once again bring me a huge sense of pride and happiness to see Jana in this next level of her dancing. 

I am an "over the top" high maintenance adjudicator, though... hehehe... 

It has always been a sort of trademark of mine to have stickers and lots of them, so my collection continues to grow! When I first started adjudicating I took a little envelope of them, but now I have a fill blown zippered binder system!

 I take a lot of stickers, because for me they provide happiness! I like to try to match the color and or costume theme of the dances where ever possible... so I take a huge selection. I will continue to use stickers...and 

Search for ways to compliment the deserving; seek to encourage those who are trying;
give assurance to those who are doubting...
William Arthur Ward

This weekend while I am watching some jazz and some  tappiness...
I'll get out my stickers...
 to bring on some happiness!
I know I'll enjoy the time I can bond...
With my dear sweet daughter, 
of whom I'm so fond!


  1. I love your dance costumes and are lucky to have danced with such a wonderful partner! Wishing you a most beautiful time where ever you may go with your lovely sticker collection!! xx (loved the blog too :)

  2. Thanks again for your kind comments always! xo
