Wednesday, June 8, 2011


It is only the first step that is difficult. 
-Marie De Vichy-Chamrond

If the shoe fits... wear it.
If the dream fits... step into it.
-Pam Farrel

Remember, Ginger Rogers did everything Fred Astaire did, but she did it backwards and in high heels. -Faith Whittlesey

Small steps taken consistently add up in a big way over time.
-Danna Demetre

Here is Mariah in her mom's store
showing me the fancy
gold shoes she likes best!
She is also wearing her own Hunter
rubber boot, too... and HUNTERS
have been one of the best sellers for

Here is a very cute little "THEME RELATED"
quote book I found in my stash of quote books!
All the above quotes were taken from this little book.
(I love that the shoe on the book is even polka dotted!)

This is a favorite pic of mine from my
final season of teaching.
I have used it on many cards and calendars.
I had a class take off their shoes at the end of a class
and throw them in a pile and I like to call this picture
"Lost in the SHUFFLE!"

Here are my feet feeling fine after a little pedicure!

Here is my dog SHUFFLE... also looking
As she SHUFFLES along in her fancy outfit
and cute doggie sandals!

These are my TOMS and the great philosophy
 that goes with them.
I received these as a gift from my grandkids
on mother's day this year,
and have worn them every day since...
They are super comfy!

These are some fun Diesel boots
my hubby bought me in the fall.
Note our old beat up deck in this pic!

Here is a pic taken just this morning on the new deck
with all the shoes I've got from
 since it opened in June of 2009.

Here is a pic of Jana and her Store owner partner,
Melissa on the day SWANK opened...
In June of 2009
looking pretty proud and excited!

Here is a pic of the card I crafted for
for her fiftieth!
She always says "ANYWAY" at the end of her show
and crosses her foot in her converse runners, so I thought I'd send one of my foot in my tap shoes!
(This was a few years ago)

I have been thinking of this BLOG THEME for a while now... infact , every time I attempt to clean my closet! I see all the shoes I have and think I could stand to clear some out... and some of the other stuff in there as well. I was actually sort of shocked that I have 14 pairs of shoes from "SWANK" already!
Lots were gifts from my very generous hubby!
(he also has about 10 pairs of shoes
from there now as well!)
I am guessing we are some of their best customers!!!

I started my day yesterday by putting my
by going to the gym.
I figure anytime my FOOT sets forth into the gym door...  it is good!
It seems it is just not often enough, lately!!!

Tuesdays there are 2 classes back to back I love... BODY VIVE and BODY FLOW.
But until I am in better shape... I can only manage one class at a time, so I did
BODY VIVE yesterday.
It was a good class, and made me feel

Then I came home and took SHUFFLE for a big walk, so I continued to put that
best  foot forward!

I had lots of intention to get to that closet cleaning next that I keep attempting to do...
but some how I got side tracked....
hmmmm... so unlike me!

I ended up taking my best foot and stepping it forward to STARBUCKS and WINNERS!
I met my cousin Gwen and we had a good little visit and browse/shop!

Today I decided to get going earlier on my walking, so I took SHUFFLE for her walk in the park before the school kids were in. Lots were in the playground, though as we walked by...and Shuffle loved all the attention and loving she got from kids running over to pet her!

Many great songs played on my ipod along my walk and some even had a FOOT related theme to them. I love listening to the words of songs while out for my walk.
It always makes the walk more enjoyable!
... sort of like WALKING ON SUNSHINE!

Then once again I began my attempt to clean the closets when I got home... and decided to line up all my SWANKY SHOES out on the deck for a photo shoot!
So typical of me to try to dodge the "work part" of my closet cleaning for the "fun part!"
Needless to say, I'm not getting very far on those closets! hehehe

This is my one hundred and first  blog entry... WOW!
(I seem to be getting more blogs done than closets!)

Today is also BEAU's 10 month birthday... where does the time go???
And he is so close to WALKING on his own now too...he keeps trying to put his best foot forward!

Well I should rap up this blog post and get on with my closets... (or not!)

Whatever I chose to do today I will try to keep putting my BEST FOOT FORWARD!

It's good to put your best foot forward,
in whatever shoe,
Just taking every single step,
in where it leads you to!
Whether  you're in FLIP FLOPS,
or RUNNERS or a BOOT...
It matters not what you have on,
but more about the route!
It's also where you travel
that make those steps worthwhile,
And it is even better...
if you can go in style!
Your feet were made for stepping
and also made to dance,
So get on your best pair of shoes
and take them for a prance!


  1. Love it - love it! Poignant but fun! Only you can bridge that gap! Loved your message, came through loud and clear and so true about putting your best foot forward and - dancing your best through the day! Good work, good words!!

  2. Thanks Ethel/Arlene!
    As always I appreciate what you have to say about my blogs! Thanks again for always TAPPING into my little SIMPLE world!

  3. Just a 'foot forward' kind of blog & I loved it! WOW great shoe collection too..nice to see you can 'shuffle' into such a 'swank' shoe store too..GREAT shoes they/you have there Diane. Your #101 blog is great.. I really think you should 'celebrate' with a NEW pair of shoes..I would!! ( : BTW I loved your poem..quite 'fitting' it is..Thank you for sharing!

  4. Thanks ARLEENA DeBlogger! I love your comments always!!! hehehe... might need some new shoes... but really I am trying to downsize the collection! hehehe! :)

  5. This is awesome.....You always do put your best foot forward in all you are so motivating!

  6. Thanks BREN... for tapping in and reading my blog! I always have fun doing up whatever theme I'm into at the time! Should have mentioned SYTYCD in this blog... sure enjoying that, too! Thanks again to one of my "SOLE" sisterfriends! :)

  7. This is awesome.....You always do put your best foot forward in all you are so motivating!

  8. Thanks BREN... for tapping in and seeing Mariah wearing a boot and a shoe! I always have fun doing up whatever theme I'm into at the time! Should have mentioned SYTYCD in this blog... sure enjoying that, too! Thanks again to one of my "SOLE" sisterfriends! :)
