Thursday, July 21, 2011

BERRY Grateful!

My SEIZE the DAY calendar says this today...

"To the world you might be one person, but to one person you might be the world."
-Author Unknown

"Other things may change us, but we start and end with family."
-Anthony Brandt

"Not what we give, by what we share,
For the gift without the giver is bare."
- James Russell Lowell

Here is the sign on the way into the ever famous BERRY BARN
I had lunch there today and I was "BERRY" grateful for the visits
and delicious food
 in such a beautiful atmosphere! 

Here... Left to Right is...
My cousin's wife, Alena, my hubby, Brian,
my cousin's son,  Daniel, and my cousin, David.
Taken in front of the BERRY BARN RESTAURANT

Me sitting with some statues out front of the BERRY BARN! 

Another pic in front of the restaurant...
I was BERRY GRATEFUL a nice gentleman offered to take a pic with all of us, and also GRATEFUL for my cousin and his cousin who TREATED us to lunch! 

Inside the BERRY cute restaurant and also joining us was my cousin David's uncle, Dale and his wife, Mildred. Dale officiated the services at both of my parents funerals. He is such a warm and kind human being, and I felt grateful to share time today with not only him and his wife
but also with their son, Ray as well. 

Out back of the BERRY I am doing the famous five finger wave
under a shrub which backs onto our river. 

On route to and from the Berry Barn...
these are some BERRY SWEET GIRAFFE statues! 

My feet used to "BEE" real TAPPY... and now they will "BEE" also HAPPY!
My friend, Brenda from the BSOBAD Dance studio where I work,
 brought me these "HAPPY SOCKS"
back as a gift from her recent trip to Chicago,
 where some of her dancers competed. 

Here is a little card I crafted yesterday and sent off in the mail to my
 who is celebrating 38 years of marriage to her hubby, BRUNO, today.
I know Arlene reads my blog regularly so she will get a sneak peak at the card I made...
as I know the mail won't be there for her in person on time.
She will have to read all the sentiments inside it,  though, when it arrives!

Here is my daughter Jana with her little Beau playing with our doggie, Shuffle.
This was taken this morning when they dropped by briefly. 

Here is Poppa Brian enjoying some time this morning with Beau. 

Here is a beautiful bouquet of flowers I picked up at Costco today...
always nice to have fresh flowers to brighten up the house!

I am constantly reminded how lucky I am in so many ways. Today was a BERRY sweet day... as I joined a cousin who was in town.
We met at the BERRY BARN restaurant.

It is a great place to go and especially on a beautiful day like today. You can see by some of the pictures I included in this blog above...
just how picturesque it is.

Yesterday was a rainy and cooler day, but I rather enjoyed the chance to stay inside and do some long over due tidying and crafting in the basement.

Yesterday I also met my friend, Brenda for a lovely latte and catch up visit. I hadn't seen her in nearly a month. She just returned from taking a few teachers and 50 some dancers to Chicago to compete in a dance competition.

She brought back a BERRY SWEET gift for me... some adorable yellow and black polka dot  "HAPPY SOCKS"... I know my feet will surely BEE  "HAPPY" in those!

Jana and Beau dropped by this morning for a quick little visit to drop off some tickets to a fund raiser event Jana is involved with next Thursday. Her event is called
It is in support of the
Children's Hospital Foundation
of Saskatchewan.
Brian and I are looking forward to going to that in support of a very good cause.

Tonight I look forward to the results show of SYTYCD on TV... it was an awesome show last night... and I will be BERRY sad to see any of the dancers getting voted off tonight.

Once again I want to take time to say thanks to all my blog readers old and new alike...
I am grateful that you care to
"TAP" into my SIMPLE life and read about what makes it so SPECIAL to me!

Today was really BERRY sweet...
And always fun to have a treat.
We went to the BERRY BARN for lunch,
Then off to Costco for flowers, and a bunch!
Nice to connect with my cousin, as well,
And also his relatives, that was sure swell.
Lots of things to make it a fun day,
It was BERRY fun... in many a way!


  1. You are just the best Diane...I love your blogs, poems, quotes and photos, and you my friend are the best fb buddy ever! For some reason, I LOVE the card you crafted too, it's beautiful for nice to get a 'sneak peek'...
    The photos are just great...I see the socks have..what else..not polka dots, it can't 'bee' ..hehehe
    The 'Berry Barn' looks like a berry nice place to share fun with family & friends, I love the decor they have, it all looks so 'berry' friendly looking too.
    Thank you for your tender heart & sharing your wonderful blogs with me..always berry delightful for sure..( :

  2. Oh Arlene... you are BERRY KIND and I am so BERRY grateful for all your comments and also for you!
    xoxo :)

  3. Finally getting caught up with computer things and your cheery words, pictures and poignant fun rhymes. You have a busy life which you share with others and by doing, teach us the important stuff like family and marriage and friendships. You are a blessing to me!

  4. Thanks so much to my dear ARLENE sisterfriends... for your BERRY kind words and comments always! xoxo :)
