Friday, July 8, 2011

More CELEBRATIONS on the Calendar!

To start off my blog today here are the last 3 quotes off my SEIZE the DAY Calendar...

"Earth laughs in flowers."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

"Be content with what you have, rejoice in the way things are. When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you."
-Lao Tzu

"The greatest part of our happiness depends on our dispositions, not our circumstances."
-Martha Washington

Beau is 11 months old today!
I made this little sign and had a pencil as the handle... but he just wanted to chew on that!

Beau thought having the sign on his head was fun!

Here is my oldest brother Bob on his wedding day...
July 8th, 1972
Hard to believe 39 years have gone by! 

A family photo from his wedding day 

My brothers were tickling me here!!!
I was a bridesmaid and my other brother Brian was a groomsman. 

Here is Beau yesterday eating some grated cheese and saying "OH"! 

Beau by the computer... note my screen saver picture
is my two kids in the background! 

Beau was into pulling my glasses off yesterday.
Here he is doing his "GRAMMIE D" impersonation!!!

Mariah had her face painted at the 2nd Avenue sidewalk sale
 yesterday when there with her mommy.
This was when they came for Beau last night. 

My Mary Engelbriet Calendar for July says this 

My little crafted calendar says
"Laugh and the world laughs with you."
-Ella Wheeler Wilcox
(This was crafted earlier on this year so
Beau looks so young in this picture!!!)

Today is another reason for CELEBRATION.

39 years ago I was being a bridesmaid for my oldest brother, Bob. It was such a fun wedding and as I searched for the photos from it yesterday , I had such a great trip down memory lane looking through the old albums!

I was chatting with my brother Brian this morning, too on the phone and we had a laugh about his big hair days!
It is always fun to see all the different hair and clothing style changes of each passing era!!!

I also had a fun phone conversation with my good friend Lynne, this morning and she shared some good news too... but I think it is still a surprise.
I'm excited, though!!!

Beau has been sleeping for over 3 hours now... but he is now waking up, so need to tend to him... and back to this later...

I just got him set up with one of his favorites ... grated cheese and a mum mum cookie!
He is babbling at me in the high chair beside me while I hurry to finish this blog that I started early this morning before the phone calls!!!

It is so hard to believe that Beau is already 11 months old... just one month away from his first birthday, it seems like only yesterday we were counting the days until his arrival!

Jana and her store partner, Melissa are celebrating their 3rd year of sidewalk sales. This is the annual 2nd Ave. Sidewalk sale down town where they close off 4 blocks or so and all the stores put out their sale stuff! Jana said their first day for this year had far exceeded the first day of it last year, so that is good.

This weekend my nephew Brad and his wife, Janelle, will celebrate their first anniversary, too. That was a fun wedding last year.

Did you know that yesterday was officially International Chocolate day? My FB friend Arlene mentioned it... and well I had to celebrate that by eating a little extra chocolate!!!

So there always seems like something on the calendar to celebrate!

Today is a special calendar date...
It has a few reasons to celebrate.
My brother got married 39 years ago,
And today 11 months old , is my sweet Beau.
I have lots of memories from all of my past,
And also lots of pictures to help make them last!
Hard to believe how much time has gone by,
And it travels much faster with each year... hmmm... why?!
To me each day is a celebration of some kind,
And some days require more time to unwind!
But in the end, it is good to review,
All the little things that were so special, too!


  1. Another fantastic blog, the photos are terrific, the hair definitely dates the wedding anniversary for sure, it's nice to see the 'old' and now you..loved them all, thank you for the special mention, you are so kind to include me..after all chocolate is a staple..isn't it..hehe.
    Oh, and Beau is the cutest, loved the sign too, It's great to see you 'ham' it up with him, I'm sure it makes everyone happy..and that's why I love reading your makes me happy too..thank you for sharing..xo

  2. Thanks Arlene... and I'm so glad too, that you shared the tidbit about Chocloate day yesterday... I didn't even know there was a full day dedicated to it! hehehe... I'm glad you enjoyed the "DATED" wedding photos, too... does take us way back to the big hair days! xoxo

  3. I am encouraged how you celebrate love and life! You wear your party pants every day. Commendable, something we all should do because one's journey is so short.. :)

  4. You are right ... Life is short... so why not CELEBRATE it everyday! hehehe Thanks for your comments ARLENE... and ARLEENA! xoxo
