Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Flying Saucers on BROADWAY!

"Let the JOY in your heart lift you to the stars."
-Stacey Tookey (dancer friend extraordinaire)
She has a new line of t-shirts that say this on them so I thought I would share...

I am drinking my coffee out of the red polka dot mug today that says "Life is what you make it"

A little Irish saying I read today 
on my travels said this...
"May you never forget what is worth remembering, or remember what is best forgotten."

Irish Candies from "Clans on Broadway"

Outside  the restaurant we had lunch at
with cousin GWEN!

Il Secondo with Gailene

yummy menu...and so many pastries, too!
I was to have babysat today but a change of schedule allowed me to galavant once again!
I will babysit the next 2 days... so thought getting out would be good for me. 
I usually stay in when I babysit.

My friend Gailene picked me up and we did a wander down Broadway. We've been waiting for warmer spring like weather to do that. With St. Patrick's Day tomorrow... we decided to go into the little Irish store called "Clans on Broadway" We bought some funny little Irish fizzy candies there called "FYING SAUCERS".

We met my cousin Gwen at a new restaurant off Broadway called "IL SECONDO" which is a little bakery bistro type place... really yummy!
We enjoyed a great visit, as we always do over lunches... then wandered some more up Broadway. There are so many little fun stores and artsy kinds of things to buy... but I bought nothing today, even though the sharing of stories along the way was lots of fun!

I am looking forward to another night of American idol on TV tonight. I truly am enjoying this season so much this year... and I will grade each singer out of a scale from 1-10 again... it is a fun way to see how close my judging skills are to the judges on the show and to the voting public!!!

I have a couple special birthdays tomorrow to celebrate in some way... my brother Brian and my good buddy Linda both are born on 
St. Patrick's day. With the LUCK of the IRISH... I am the one who feels LUCKY just in having them as a special part of my life.

My snowman, that I built yesterday, did a lot of melting today with the warmer weather. He even lost his nose! Too bad we all couldn't get slimmer with the warmer weather... but it doesn't melt off us quite the same! Brian was saying this morning we should take guesses at how long the snowman will last! Even though he is melting today... I am guessing parts of him will remain for at least a couple more weeks or so!

Here's to a day with a cousin and a friend...
With a lunch on broadway and a walk to the end.
I think a galavant is good for the soul...
It's fun whenever we get together on a roll.
From Irish candy with lots of fizz...
To sampling paninis, that's just how it is!
Trying on hats... to reading a fun card,
Us girls can find a lot to's never very hard!
The weather makes it nicer to just enjoy the day,
So we had ourselves a little fun, 
while on Broadway today!

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