Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Priorities Shift!

                   First of  all may I wish 
   to all my  woman friends reading this blog!

My day began with 2 Happy Heart Tips instead of  just 1 on my oatmeal package, so that was a bonus start to my day ! They were...

"Invest time in Friendships"
&  "Be an eternal optimist."
... both good tips I thought.

My seize the day calendar had a 
good quote as well saying...
A pic of me with my good buds Linda and Lynne
along with Shuffle
at my Freedom 55 party in 2010
"A fabulous mixture of friends makes the texture of life deeper and richer. " - Robin Pickens
Friends Lynne, Brenda, and Gailene and my cousin Bev
Also from the January party of 2010
Proud Grandpa Brian with
the adorable Grandkids
recently at a Fudrucker's breakfast!

After my wonderful Body Flow class today I had a couple of requests...
One to go for a lunch with friend Brenda and another to go for a coffee with my friend Gailene to Starbucks.
It was their 40th anniversary day of  the coffee business, too!
What better way to spend an international woman's day?!

Then to top that off I went for a fabulous sushi supper with my hubby, who bragged about our grandkiddies coming to have lunch with him at work today! So all in all a great day!

Since my FREEDOM 55 party in January of 2010, I have been doing a lot of soul searching  and realizing just how much my priorities in life have shifted. Although that was supposed to be the "magical age" for "FREEDOM" to kick in,
for me it really wasn't !
At that point my mom's health was spiraling downward and I was doing lots of
babysitting for Jana...
so what was to have been my freedom
seemed more like the
setting in!

After a tough year of watching mom go downhill and caring for her and finally losing her
(sort of twice)... first to dementia and then to her death, I have now come to terms with a whole new page and chapter in my life.

I once was into a very hectic time of the year during March getting ready for dance events, back in my teaching days.
I was reminded of that busy time while out for lunch with Brenda today (owner of BSBAD... Brenda's School Of Baton and Dance).
Although this time brings so much excitement in the dancer's lives, and tons of work for the dance teachers... I don't miss that stress!
I feel I have done that been there!
I once loved it,
now I am in a whole new space.

Which brings me to the whole reason for this little blog!
I feel by writing out my daily life in thoughts such as these, it helps me to move forward in a positive way. It really helps me understand just how a person's priorities really shift in life.

It makes me more aware of how blessed I am to have so many people in so many walks of life who I can share with and who take on a
genuine interest!

I adore my grandkids, Mariah and Beau to bits, and love time I can share with them.
I am also grateful for friends to hang out with, too.
I love my hubby Brian and think I just have a perfect blend of people in my stage of life.

My priorities have changed a lot in life...
From being a child then on to a wife!
Then being a mom and now Grammie D...
So many changes have happened to me!
From losing  my grandparents earlier on,
And now my parents are also both gone.
From tapping and teaching and loving to dance,
Now I enjoy it, but from only a glance.
The people I hang with have changed somewhat, too,
We are not as in tune with all that we do.
I guess that is known as the circle of life,
We see moments of happy, along with some strife.
As I've said many times, and it's something to note,
I love a good message, often found in a quote.
Those are what get me through times that seem down,
They bring a smile to my face in place of a frown.
And writing of poems is another of things,
I am ever so grateful for the joy that it brings!
This blog is a place I can say how I feel...
Turn SIMPLE to SPECIAL and to a big deal!


  1. A wonderful blog once again!! I love to read how positive you are in your life and about life!! After reading this it's really hard to have a bad day...you do help to set me on a 'positive' track, and I thank you, my sweet friend!! Here's wishing you the best your day can bring (& a good night too! :)

  2. Oh Arlene... or Arleena as your blog name calls you! You are always so sweet and kind, thanks so much!
