Thursday, March 17, 2011


Happy St. Patrick's Day 
to all my friends and family today... 
I feel LUCKY to have you all in my world!

Wearing a little Shamrock
My little Leprechaun

doing a little Irish Jig
in the jolly jumper!

Eating a little mum mum cookie!

so close to crawling!

trying to eat the
My seize the day calendar said this today...
"Little pockets of warmth and sun trickle through the leaves, tickling my skin with happiness."
- Robin Pickens

I babysat Beau today. He was smiles and giggles and had a great sleep too! He is such a good little guy... I love him to bits. I tried to get him in the spirit of St. Patrick's day... but he wasn't as into the hats and glasses so much. He is sure determined to crawl now... but really only drags himself along. He just cannot figure out how to put one knee in front of the other... just yet... but soon he will I am sure! 

While he slept I made more banana chocolate chip muffins with our brown bananas... not sure why we can never seem to eat them fast enough before they turn brown on the counter! I was kinda hoping someone might join me for a muffin and coffee today... but no one stopped by.

It was not only St. Patrick's day today, it was my brother Brian and my friend Linda's birthday today, too... and I feel so LUCKY to have them in my life. 

Tomorrow I am babysitting both the grandkidlets... so it will be more hectic around here, I'm sure. Mariah usually keeps me hopping... literally!

"On with the dance! Let joy be unconfined: No sleep till morn, when Youth and Pleasure meet To chase the glowing Hours with flying feet. "
- Lord Byron

A LUCKY day tis the day of St. Pat,
When wearing a shamrock within a green hat!
Today was a day with my leprechaun,
He rolled and he jumped and tried to crawl on...
He giggled and babbled and had a good sleep,
He slept for 3 hours, I heard not a peep!
My friend and my brother had birthdays today,
They are both special people to celebrate, YAY!
The Irish are cheering and drinking green beer,
And SHAM- ROCKIN' ON until this time next year!


  1. Just a great blog...I love your enthusiasm for all occasions, it makes my heart feel good!! : )
    Beau is getting so big & if he can get any more cute..well he is just the cutest...Oh, funny about the bananas..mine went brown so I made 'banana bread'..hehee
    Happy St. Paddy's to you too, Diane xx

  2. AH... Thanks Arlene... (Arleena!) Beau is really cute for sure... even cuter in person than in photos. He is growing too. Thanks again for your enthusiastic comments on my blog! xo
