Saturday, February 12, 2011

Starts with "S"!

SATURDAY... STARTED with SNEEZES and SNIFFLES...SO I thought I could SWEAT it out of my SYSTEM by going to the gym early! I did my very first ever SPIN class. Now I am just  SORE
from SITTING on the hard bike SEAT! SO I packed up my SNEAKERS and came home. 

I then decided to take SHUFFLE for a walk in her SNOWMAN SWEATER in the SUNSHINE and SNOWY SLUSH while listening to many SONGS on my ipod! The weather was SO SWEET today!

This afternoon I SHARED SOME time with cousin Gwen for a STARBUCKS... SHE always makes me SMILE! I was pretty STUFFED up STILL... SO didn't STAY there long!

I needed to STOP at SAFEWAY on my way home to get SOMETHING for SUPPER! I got SOME SALAD STUFF and STRAWBERRIES and other STUFF, too!

When I got home I got into some SWEATS and SLIPPERS to relax. I needed to SIT on SOMETHING SOFT after my first SPIN experience today!

Nels called to SEE if we could SIT Beau tonight... while he took Mariah SWIMMING and Jana went to yoga! Beau was SWEET in his little SLEEPERS but he was quite SLEEPY!

I finally went to SHOPPER'S Drug Mart for some SUDAFED for my STUFFED up SITUATION!!!

I had a great memory from Jana's dance SCRAPBOOKS to fit my "S" theme of the day I picked her tap group called "SING, SING SING!" 
... But SORRY... my blog won't let me add more pics!... SO more STRESS with the blog! 
SEEMS to be a weekend thing! SUCH is life!

Another little quote from Dr. Wayne W. Dyer...
"All of the "STUFF" in your life has arrived to SERVE you, rather than to make you a SERVANT of the STUFF. "

SO on that note and quote... 
I SEIZED this fine SATURDAY...with SNIFFLES and SNEEZES... SONGS, SHUFFLE, SWEET people and STARBUCKS!... NOW I am going to go SNUGGLE in my nice SOFT bed... 
SWEET dreams!

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