Saturday, January 1, 2011

MaKe ToDaY a PeRfEcT ONE!

Well it is 1/1/11...
which is really enough to make it a perfect ONE... don't you think?

I pretty much think this will be a very good year... so far so good!

I need to decide what my resolutions are.... hmmmm...

1.was to create a blog...
(yay, I've had that as a resolution for the past two years...and I finally did it!)

2.get fit... ( I know that is everyone's resolution every year!) healthier... (we are almost out of all the extra Christmas stuff around here!)

4. downsize...I have wanted to downsize many things for a long time
Clear out stuff I no longer need... make more space to enjoy... and yes make it so I can park in our garage again!

5.enjoy things that make me happy... forget about stuff that bugs me!

OK... That should be a good enough list for now... after all I am really trying to TAP into SiMPLE!!! right?!

TaPpY NeW YeAr everyone... make it the PERFECT ONE!

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